My name is Kayleigh Ann, I am 21 and from England. I recently graduated from university (woo) and am working part time while carrying on with my studies.
I use this blog to escape for a few hours, and share with you my loves and hates of all things beauty. My main obsession is nails. I love creating random nail designs and trying out new colours. It's the only form of art I ever attempt. I would love to do nails professionally one day, although I would never do it full-time, learning how to do acrylics and gel nails would be amazing. Until then I will just carry on sharing my creations with you, my work is not perfect, and I just do this for fun.
I go through phases of being obsessed with certain types of product, for a few weeks it will be nail polish, then I'll move on to something else, say mascara, then maybe hair products. You will see that in my blog posts.
Random facts you don't need to know:
I love percy pigs (could eat them all day).
I love finding bargains, but I like luxuries too.
My favourite colour is pink, and my favourite food is cheese.
I am a little short, but I am happy that way.
I am a natural blonde, and sometimes that really shows.
I like to take pictures, you can never have too many.
I love pretty dresses they really make me happy!
I have no idea what I want to do with my life but I pretty much love being a student.
I study Psychology and Maths.
I love meeting new people.
I am addicted to twitter.